Musical Chairs.
First of all you will need a LEGITIMATELY PURCHASED COPY of Rosenkreuzstilette. This only works on copies bought from legit resellers such as .... ... .... (Okay I tell a lie. Just between you and me it works on pirated copies as well. I'm just trying to get the programmers some cash for their hard work.)
Next you will need the Rosenkreuzstilette Data Archive Decoder.
Third you will need to grab up Audacity for the editing and encoding.
Now go to your Rosenkreuzstilette folder on your hard drive and copy it elsewhere. You don't want to screw up your original. Trust me, you will be screwing with it.
Using the RKSDAD to turn the bgm.dat file into a folder chocked full of all the music in the game. Now read closely. I am going to say this on the next line in all caps:
DELETE THE bgm.dat FILE! Let me repeat that: DELETE THE bgm.dat FILE!
Your eyes are not deceiving you. I said delete it. You don't need any more. The game will run fine without it. As long as the bgm folder is there. Also, if you don't get rid of the .dat file all the work you do won't turn up in the game.
(I've been wondering why the .dat files are even there. Why aren't they compiled into the .exe? Are the .dat files generated by the program that erka:es used to make Rosenkreuzstilette? Are they a security device to keep people like me from being able to easily rip the graphics and turn them into comic strips?)
Go into the new bgm folder and you will see two different types of files: OGG and INI.
This time I don't recommend deleting all the INI files. What the INI does (from what I can figure) is pretty much tell the game at what point in the song to loop from. I recommend that you delete an individual INI on a per song basis. Let's choose a song to change. How about the one titled 'decision?' I'm picking this song so I can go into a long boring technical explanation behind one of the reasons why I said to use Audacity. When you see the waveform of 'decision' you should notice that it is longer than eight total seconds.
(The actual song itself is about six seconds, for some reason there's a huge chunk of silence at the end.) However when playing RKS the whole song doesn't play. Only about five to five-and-a-half seconds is played. The rest is cut off. I have been having a bear of a time trying to find a song to fit in there. I can't even get Megaman X4 stage start edited correctly.) ( Okay, I'm done picking on this song. So let's pick on another.)After choosing the replacement song. (Doesn't matter what, you can use 'Panties in the Glove Box' for all I care.) I usually open the new song up in another instance of Audacity, Ctrl-A, Ctrl-C, go to the Rosenkreuzstilette song, Ctrl-A, delete, and finally Ctrl-V. At about this point in time is when I make the necessary edits and volume fixes.
When you're ready, you need to export the file as an OGG Vorbis. It has to be in OGG format. I tried MP3 and it didn't work. Audacity will ask if you want to overwrite the original file, say yes. Turn on the game and your new sound should play.
There's still trial and error going on. Remember those INI files? This is where they can create havoc. If you picked a new song that is shorter than the amount of time it takes you play a stage, the song will start over. The INI file make the song restart from the middle. If I was smart enough, (and had any patience at all) I could decode the numbers in the INI. But, I just stick to what I know. I edit the song so they are much longer or loop correctly.
By the way, using the RKSDADqwertyuiop you can edit the graphics.
Rosenkreuzstilette 2:
Duchess Neuwahl: Freu-ever.